Sunday, August 8, 2010


Ok, I was just on match and wanted to share a couple things that get on my nerves when I'm looking at someone's profile.

1. A guy that is in his 30's but says he is looking for a woman in her 20's. Really? Is there something wrong with a woman your own age?? Or any guy that lists his age range as younger than he is, especially if it's much younger than you are. ie. a guy that's 33 listing the age range he's looking for as 18-25.

2. Someone that lists their body type as 'about average', 'a few extra pounds' or even 'stocky' but says they are looking for someone with the body type of only 'athletic and toned' or 'slender'.
Good luck with that.

Just a couple thoughts, will be back soon

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mr. Keeping his Options Open

Okay, now this I just don't get. And let's count how many things should have told me that I should have told him I wasn't interested.
This guy, Mr. KhOO, emails me saying that he sawmy profile and thought he would say hello. He says that his profile is hidden because he has had some ex girlfriend issues. (As a side note, there are 2 things that I have found that I think is weird on this online dating thing. One is people that don't post pictures, we need to at least see what you look like. And two is people with hidden profiles. Why do you feel the need to hide your profile? Very suspect.
In addition, this guy is a bit older than me, about 12 years older and says no to wanting to have kids. The one picture I can see of his, he looks pretty cute and looks much younger than his age. Which he addressed in his email, saying that he takes good care of himself and whatnot.
I email him back saying that I hate to even bring it up but at some point I do want to have kids and he says he doesn't. He responds saying that if I definitely want kids we may not work out in the long run, but it might if I think I can have fun with someone that doesn't want to have kids. Well, of course I can have fun with someone that doesn't want kids, that's not the issue! The issue is forming an attraction and bond with someone that can't/isn't willing to give me the things that I need.
I think about it for a couple days and I decide that it doesn't hurt to get together and see how it goes. I email him and also ask him to send me his pictures since I can only see his main pic since his profile is hidden. Which he does and tells me to let him know if I'm still attracted and then we can go from there.
He doesn't wait for me to respond and emails me a couple hours later and says I should probably tell you that I am in the middle of a girlfriend fading in and out situation, which may turn me off and he would completely undestand. What was that again? girlfriend? can you explain this in and out situation, I'm not familiar....
So why exactly is a guy, who technically has a girlfriend, on an online dating site emailing other women?! Trying to keep his options open. Or looking for a hook up.
I email him back and say yeah I don't think we can get together if you are actually seeing someone....I'm sure I won't get a response. And that's quite alright.
I just don't get it, there is someone in your life, why are you looking for other people. I mean, if you don't want that person in your life, fine, but end it with them! Don't go looking for someone else!!

What is with guys, seriously?

Ok, second thing tonight. I'm not sure what these guys are trying to pull or what games they are trying to play.
First, this guy emails me the other day. I had looked at his profile and didn't make a move, he seemed alright but there were a couple things that I wasn't crazy about. The next day he emails me saying that he saw that I looked at his profile and I seem like someone he would definitely want to get to know better and to let him know if I want to chat sometime. Now we've talked about the chatting thing before, I'm not really into it. Chatting online or even talking on the phone will not tell you what talking to someone face to face will. I just want to meet up and see if we hit it off. So the next day I email him and tell him that I would be interested in getting together sometime. No response. What's the deal, didn't you initiate this??
Something similar has happened a couple other times. Twice a guy 'winked' at me, I emailed him saying I was interested and then I don't hear anything from them. Who knows, maybe I'm not emailing the right things! Silly me thinking responding showing my interest wasn't the right thing to do!

Also and this is really a big one. Actually he needs his own post :)

Mr. Guilt

I have a couple things to blog about tonight but first will be about a past date. Mr. Guilt had contacted me and I wasn't too into him he seemed nice and I like to give people a chance. After all, you never know..well sometimes you do.
We decided to meet for coffee with the possibility of something after that depending on how the coffee went.
So we get along pretty well and had plenty to talk about. However, Mr. Guilt did most of the talking. I would ask a question and he would talk for 10 minutes about it, without a return question, and then I would ask another question, and so on.
When we were done with the coffee, he asked if I wanted to have dinner. Things were going ok so I said yes. We walked to a casual place and it was a little busy so we had to wait. Mr. Guilty was suddenly acting a little nervous. He asks me if I want to go somewhere else...I say this place is fine, we're already here. He then says that being around a lot of people makes him uneasy. Now I'm not Ms. Social or anything, but I do like going out and often there are other people there....
So anyway, that night went fine and he asked me to go out again. I said yes because I was on the fence. He was nice, but the lack of questions about my life and me not being initially attracted to him made me not too sure.
Second date went fine, pretty much the same as the first. He did most of the talking. Also we went to what he said was his favorite restaurant and how good the food was and I did not really care for the food...pretty bland.
So during the date we talked about possible doing something that coming Sunday. When the date was over, he says to call him if I want to go out again. I had pretty much decided that I didn't want to hang out again so I was glad that he was kind of giving me an out. However. When Sunday night came around he texts me saying that he's sorry he didn't call me but he was in the hospital. He had told me that he had lots of allergies so I assumed that was the problem and since he said to call him if I wanted to go out again, I thought it was best to not respond. Maybe kind of crappy, but didn't want to lead him on.
The next day he texts me again asking if I got the first text. I respond and say yes and ask him if he's ok. He responds by telling me why he's at the hospital....telling me all kinds of things that I don't need to know...TMI. I don't know you so I really don't need to hear about the hernia in your groin.....
So I tell him that I hope he's feeling better and stop responding. Still not wanting to lead him on or give him the wrong idea. A couple days later he emails me and tries to give me this guilt trip saying just so you know, I'm home from the hospital now blah blah blah.
What was I supposed to do, go visit you at the hospital??

Monday, July 26, 2010

Mr. I want you to come to my house and ride in my car even though you hardly know me

Ok, I was supposed to have a date on Saturday.....never happened. He, we'll call him SA, contacted me first and we emailed each other for a couple days before I asked if he wanted to get together. Talking to long before meeting can get on my nerves, I just want to meet already and find out if we are compatable. I can find out so much more, and read you so much better if we meet rather than talking on the phone or emailing.

So I asked him if he wanted to get together and of course he said yes. He asked me what I wanted to do and I suggested dinner, pool or just getting together for a beer. He lives a little south of me so I thought maybe we could meet somewhere inbetween. He said that he wasn't really into pool and suggested a very public place south of both of us, where there is lots to do. It's kind of a far drive for me, about an hour, but I hadn't been there in awhile and thought it could be fun so I said yes. We decided on a time and I asked him where at the place I should meet him. And he says........I live on your way so come to my house and we'll take my truck the rest of the way.

Now, rule #1 when meeting new people, especially people online, is don't go to their houses, meet in a public place blah blah blah....

So I tell him that I would be more comfortable meeting him at the place we decided to go for a first meeting. He responds saying that he understands and was just being considerate of my drive. This is the day before we are to meet, Friday. Saturday morning I email him and thank him for the thought and that I would meet him at 5pm.

Now, earlier he had told me that he would be working until 2:30 pm. So on Saturday, I'm getting ready and I need to leave by 4 to get there on time, and that's kinda pushing it.

When I am about to walk out the door, he emails me and says that he's really sorry and hopes I haven't left yet but is stuck at work for a couple hours. I'm a little disappointed since I don't have any other plans since I was supposed to meet him. I email him back and tell him that maybe we can meet somewhere else later or another time.

Haven't heard from him. It's Monday night.

So I must have made him mad. Sorry. If you can't comprehend that a single, pretty small woman shouldn't go to a man's house that she's never met before, and honestly barely talked to at all and then ride alone in a car? If you can't understand that then not only do I not want to date you, I don't even want to know you. Really?! You think that's ok to get mad at me about that? Whatever....

And then when I was thinking about writing this I thought of something else that made me pretty mad.

He had to work until 2:30. But he didn't email me until 3:55. So why did he wait? If he knew he wasn't going to be able to meet me, why did he wait so long to email me? Makes me think that he did it on purpose. He knew that it would take me an hour to get there from my house so he knew around what time I would be leaving my house. My theory is that he emailed me at the last minute on purpose, thinking that I had already left my house. Sort of as 'punishment' for not wanting to meet him at his house. Probably didn't get stuck at work at all. Little does he know, my nifty Droid phones tells me when I have emails and I got his email before I was on the road.

But of course, I could be all wrong. Maybe he really did get stuck at work, maybe he was embarassed for suggesting meeting at his house and getting stuck at work. We shall never know.....

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mr. Conservative

So until I have another date, I'm going to revisit my previous dates. My first date from was with a guy we'll call MB. He instant messaged me and tells me how pretty and attractive I am and asks if we can meet for dinner. So we meet Cheesecake Factory for dinner.

He was kinda cute but his profile said he's conservative and I'm, umm, not. But, sometimes differences are good and sometimes healthy debate is fun so I figured I would meet him anyway.

Dinner was ok, we talked alright. I felt like I asked the majority of the questions and carried the majority of the conversation. Which is not really normal for me, I'm generally more quiet.

Turns out we didn't really have much in common. We parted after dinner and neither one of us contacted the other again.

Friday, July 23, 2010

What am I doing here??

Ok, so I have been on for a little while, about 10 months. I have met some nice people and some weird people. What I'm going to do is tell about my dates to kind of vent about them and hopefully provide some entertainment to anyone that might stumble upon this.

It's always interesting meeting new people. Will we get along? Will we have much in common? I've met some nice people that just weren't what I was looking for, or I wasn't what they were looking for and I've met some people that made for some fun conversations with my friends afterwards!

I will write about the dates that I have already been on, but they may be more general and the future dates that I go on will get a nice fresh blog right after :)